To the LVR Membership:
As the 2019 – 2020 winter season comes to an end, I think it is appropriate to inform you, the membership, of all the accomplishments that your Board and its’ Ad Hoc and Standing Committees have achieved during this transition period to become a self-governing POA. They are as follow:
List of LVR actions and accomplishments
- Upon assuming Architectural Control from MVR on Sept 1st, 2019, the board and its Ad Hoc committee formulated and announced the “grandfathering” of MVR approved lots and construction – highlighting that this would not establish any past architectural precedents.
- LVR HOPA intent was establish and the required occupancy verification census was completed in accordance with HUD register.
- The board established both the Compliance Committee
(CC) and Architectural Control Committees (ACC)
- The Committees are up and operational.
- The Committee Charters and processes completed and included in LVR Roles, Rules and Procedures (RR&P’s).
- Upon the recommendations of our LVR attorney, the
following policies have been approved by the board and are filed or will be
filed with the Hidalgo County and posted on the LVR website:
- A Fines and Collections Policy
- The adoption of policies
that align LVR with state statute in the following areas:
- Solar Device and Energy Efficient Roofing Policy
- Rainwater Harvesting System Policy
- Flag Display and Flagpole Installation Policy
- Display of Certain Religious Items Policy
- The President’s repeated communications during
membership meetings regarding a “grace period” for all owners to get in
compliance with LVR’s governing documents.
- Presidents emailed letter communicating the end of “grace period” and that the LVR Board will be managing the POA in accordance with the Governing documents.
- LVR Website has been revamped and is up and operational.
- LVR Owners “responsibilities” have been articulated and posted at the LVR clubhouse activities billboard and the LVR website.
- The RR&P’s were amended to establish guidelines
and to define the process of:
- “Passing the hat”
- Authorizing LVR owners to competitively bid for contracted services
- The Board developed a more detailed definition of Board member’s job descriptions and responsibilities.
- The Board presented and the membership voted on proposed changes to the recreation hall lay out and enlarging the library/meeting room.
- The board treasurer provided a written explanation on “why our maintenance fees are $300 and why we have reserves” which will be posted on the website.
- LVR ACC and CC volunteers are setup to operate year-round – especially throughout the summer months.
So far, it has been a very busy year for LVR. A lot has been accomplished since September 1, 2019. We are all volunteers who have freely devoted our time and talents to ensure a seamless transition. All the actions and accomplishments listed above could not have occurred without the support of the LVR community.
Be safe and stay healthy. We will resume our endeavors when everyone returns in November.
Bruce Jurrens
LVR Board President